Divorce / Legal Separation

Oregon is a no fault state which means you do not need a reason to file for divorce. The only issue you need to cite on the Petition for Dissolution is irreconcilable differences.

Legal separation is similar to divorce, however, the marriage is not dissolved and you are still legally married. You may prefer a legal separation for several reasons including religious ones.

Same sex domestic partnerships in Oregon are legally binding contracts, and must be dissolved by a procedure similar to a divorce. Some couples may have later entered into a marriage, or they may be dissolving the domestic partnership they created.

Dissolution of a marriage is often emotionally distressing. I will approach your case with compassion and listen to all your concerns.

Child Custody

In Oregon, custody of children may be jointly shared between the parents or solely with one parent. Both parents must agree to joint custody, however, if the parents are unable to agree on a joint custody arrangement, the court may order sole legal custody to one parent. In most cases involving sole custody parenting time (time each parent spends with the children) schedules need to be created. Emotions can run high when creating a parenting time schedule.

I understand the complexity and will help you work out a plan that everyone finds agreeable.


Sometimes after a court order has been entered, parenting time, child custody, and child or spousal support may need to be changed. In order to modify child custody or support orders, the moving party (the parent requesting the modification) has to show there has been a substantial change in circumstances.

If you need to modify the court order, I will help prepare the documents and records that you will need for the court to approve the modification.

Enforcement of Child Custody & Parenting Time

Sometimes a parent may ignore support orders or deny the other parent to a child or ignore the parenting schedule. In Oregon, the courts expect both parents to comply with the support order and parenting time order. If a parent violates the agreement, enforcement can be an effective remedy. Enforcement proceedings may be time consuming and emotionally draining.

I will help you complete the required documents to enforce the violated orders.